NEW MORE RECORD CARP 32.2 KG On 31-12-2022, Kevin de Roo caught a new lake record carp at Fishing Adventure with this mega fish of 32.2 KG.
Author Archives: fishingadventure
On 01-11-2022, Laurens van Emmerik caught a new lake-record sturgeon with a giant Beluga sturgeon measuring a whopping 2.45 metres.
On 2 July, Ray Nijhuis caught a new lake record carp at Fishing adventure 29.1 KG it was a massive mirror of 29.1 KG (58.2 pounds). This carp was caught on swim 4 at a depth of 5 metres with an Insectamino boilie from FA Baits.
From 26 to 29 May, the Open Air Angling Fair MONSTERS will be organised at Fishing Adventure. Right on the waterfront, there will be stands on Bellyboats, depth gauges, Predator, Carp, etc. etc. Products can be tried out directly on the water (bellyboats, kayaks, livescope fishfinders, etc. During the fair, there will also be a Bellyboat competition with 100 [...]
Joey Lunenburg caught a new lake record carp last night at fishing hut 1 with a huge pint-sized carp weighing a whopping 57.6 pounds. In doing so, he broke the previous lake record, a 56.6-pound mirror carp of Martijn Knijnenburg by 1,000 grams.
During a test session, the first beluga over 20 KG was caught.
On 3 June, Dennis Winkelmann and Dennis Gossler caught a new lake record Beluga from fishing hut 1. The 2.42-metre-long fish was caught on a dead perch offered 3 metres below the surface under a buoy. The drill, with both catchers alternating, lasted about 40 minutes. After the shots, the fish swam [...]
14 June the grand opening ADVENTURE LAGOON. At the end of May, the last fish will be released and the finishing touches will be put on the reception unit. The rental rods, unhooking mats and landing nets have now been ordered and a large assortment of pellets in various types and colours is also in stock. Meanwhile, cuttings can already be reserved via [...]
On 8 May, Milan Schmidt caught a new Lake record Sturgeon with a Beluga of a whopping 2.38 metres